Section 1-2:

- Lists are used to organize data
- Split() splits lists and join() joins the lists toghether
- In the AP Exam the indexing starts at 1 rather than 
- You can display data in Javascript through a function
- You can convert javascript output to html in order for it to look good
- Dictionaries store both a key and value
- Temporary variables can be used to set a value and change that value without affect the first variable
- Const in java sets a variable which cannot be changed
- Data can be pulled from lists

"Section 3-4:

- Modulus operator gives the variable after division
- Concatination is the combination of strings

Section 5-7:

- Boolean is True(1) and False(0)
- Boolean operators produce certain numbers
- Algorithm is a set of instructions that accomplish a task
- Conditionals appear everywhere
- Selection is driven by conditionals